Maintenance of Breast Health Throughout Adulthood and Beyond.

Mammography is often an overlooked procedure for many women. Recent studies have shown that around one-quarter of eligible women do not have routine Boise 3D screening mammograms. Here, we break down what you can expect from a breast cancer screening and the benefits of mammogrpahy.


A mammogram is a type of breast x-ray that may detect even the most subtle breast abnormalities, such as cancer, in women who otherwise show no signs of the disease.

Starting at age 40, annual mammography screening is recommended for women with an average risk of breast cancer. In comparison to a regular chest x-ray, the amount of radiation you’d be exposed to during a mammography screening would be little. The mammography will include a brief period of compression of your breast; however, the technicians will work as swiftly as possible and take all necessary precautions to ensure your comfort. The photos are then examined by a radiologist to look for anything abnormal or worrying. A doctor will prescribe further examination if they find anything out of the ordinary.

Even if the screening identifies a cancerous tumor, you may not necessarily have the disease. Detailed exams such as diagnostic mammograms, breast MRIs, and breast ultrasounds may be performed. To get the most precise diagnosis, a biopsy may be necessary.

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In What Ways Can You Recognize Breast Cancer?

Changes in the breast may not always indicate malignancy. In most cases, it’s only a little thing. However, if you have any of the following symptoms, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor immediately:

  • Breast or armpit bulge that has just appeared
  • Breasts that have developed dimples
  • Discomfort around the genital region
  • Any morphological or sizing changes in the breasts
  • Redness, itching, and swelling of the breasts
  • A tightening of the nipple
  • Breast enlargement or thickening
  • Breast or nipple redness or flakiness
  • Besides breast milk, any other sort of nipple discharge (such as clear fluid or blood) is considered to be a medical emergency.
  • Breast discomfort of any kind

Monthly breast self-exams are also recommended by doctors. This will help you become accustomed to the normal sensation of your breasts, making it simpler to notice any changes. Consult your physician or click the link below to learn how to do a self-breast exam. It’s an effective backup measure for finding problems quickly.

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