What Is Refuge Area?

Are you curious to know what is refuge area? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about refuge area in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is refuge area?

Safety is a top priority when designing and constructing buildings, and one crucial element in building safety is the provision of refuge areas. A refuge area is a designated space within a building that is intended to provide temporary shelter and safety for occupants during emergencies, particularly in the event of fire, natural disasters, or any other crisis. In this blog, we will explore what refuge areas are, why they are essential, and how they contribute to the overall safety of buildings and their occupants.

What Is Refuge Area?

A refuge area, also known as a refuge floor or area of rescue assistance, is a designated part of a building where people can temporarily seek safety during an emergency. It serves as a secure location for occupants to wait for assistance, evacuation, or emergency responders, providing protection from immediate hazards.

Key Characteristics Of A Refuge Area:

  1. Accessibility: Refuge areas are typically designed to be easily accessible, often located near exits, stairwells, or elevators, ensuring that individuals with disabilities or mobility impairments can reach them.
  2. Safety Features: Refuge areas are equipped with specific safety features, including fire-resistant construction materials, ventilation systems, and communication devices, to support the safety and well-being of occupants.
  3. Sufficiency: The size of a refuge area is determined by building codes and regulations, ensuring that it can accommodate a specified number of occupants and provide adequate space for emergency responders.
  4. Signage: Refuge areas are clearly marked with appropriate signage and instructions to guide occupants during emergencies.

Why Are Refuge Areas Important?

  1. Evacuation Assistance: Refuge areas are vital for those who may have difficulty evacuating a building quickly, such as individuals with disabilities, the elderly, or young children. They provide a safe place for these occupants until they can be assisted in their evacuation.
  2. Enhanced Safety: During fire incidents or natural disasters, refuge areas offer a level of protection from immediate hazards, reducing the risk of injury or exposure to smoke and flames.
  3. Communication and Coordination: Refuge areas often include communication devices, such as emergency intercoms, enabling occupants to contact emergency responders or building management for assistance.
  4. Compliance with Regulations: Building codes and regulations in many regions require the provision of refuge areas to ensure the safety and accessibility of buildings for all occupants.
  5. Peace of Mind: Knowing that refuge areas are available in a building provides occupants with peace of mind, fostering a sense of safety and security.

Examples Of Refuge Area Use:

  1. Fire Emergencies: Refuge areas are commonly used during building fires, allowing occupants to temporarily escape the immediate danger while awaiting assistance or evacuation.
  2. Natural Disasters: In regions prone to earthquakes, hurricanes, or tornadoes, refuge areas offer a safe haven during the event and its aftermath.
  3. Medical Emergencies: Refuge areas can be used in situations where an individual requires immediate medical attention and paramedics or first responders need a secure location to provide aid.


Refuge areas play a pivotal role in ensuring the safety of building occupants, particularly during emergencies. These designated spaces provide a vital lifeline for individuals who may have difficulty evacuating quickly, enhancing overall safety and accessibility in buildings. It is crucial for building designers, owners, and occupants to understand the significance of refuge areas and to ensure their proper design, construction, and maintenance to protect lives and property during times of crisis.


What Is The Area Of Refuge?

An area of refuge is a designated space in a multi-story building for assisted rescue during an emergency. The standard provides individuals unable to traverse the stairs a location to wait for help or instructions from first responders.

How Is Refuge Area Calculated?

The refuge area should be placed after the first 24 meters of the building and after every seven floor builder should provide refuge area. Refuge area will be restricted to just 4% of the habitable area and that area will be free from floor space index.

Should I Buy Flat On Refuge Floor?

A refuge area is just a part of a building that is reserved for emergency purposes. There is no logical reason why it is bad to buy a flat near a refuge area, hence it is completely safe and a good option to buy a property near a refuge area.

What Is Refuge Area In Construction?

A refuge area can be defined as an area where people can opt for shelter if a fire breaks out.

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