What Is Plot Area?

Are you curious to know what is plot area? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about plot area in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is plot area?

The plot area is an essential aspect of real estate and property transactions. In simple terms, it refers to the total area of land that a particular property occupies. In this blog post, we will explore what plot area is, how it is measured, and its significance in real estate transactions.

What Is Plot Area?

Plot area is the total area of land that a particular property occupies. It is the land area that is available for development and construction. Plot area is an important factor to consider when buying or selling a property, as it determines the total area available for construction, landscaping, and other purposes.

How Is Plot Area Measured?

Plot area is measured in square feet, square yards, or acres, depending on the location and the standard unit of measurement used in that particular area. In India, the plot area is usually measured in square feet or square yards.

To measure the plot area, the length, and width of the plot are measured, and the total area is calculated by multiplying the two measurements. The plot area is usually mentioned in the property documents and is one of the essential factors that determine the value of the property.

Significance Of Plot Area In Real Estate Transactions:

The plot area is an essential factor to consider when buying or selling a property. It determines the total area available for development and construction and can significantly affect the value of the property.

A larger plot area generally means more space for construction, landscaping, and other purposes, making it more valuable than a smaller plot area. The plot area also plays a significant role in determining the permissible floor area ratio (FAR) and the number of floors that can be constructed on the property.

The plot area is also crucial in determining the land-use regulations and zoning laws applicable to the property. Depending on the location and the land-use regulations, the plot area may have certain restrictions on the type of construction and activities that can be carried out on the property.


In conclusion, the plot area is an essential aspect of real estate transactions, determining the total area available for development and construction. It is measured in square feet, square yards, or acres and is an important factor that determines the value of the property. A larger plot area generally means more space for development and construction, making it more valuable than a smaller plot area. The plot area is also crucial in determining the land-use regulations and zoning laws applicable to the property.


How Is The Plot Area Calculated?

Length (in feet) x width (in feet) = area in sq. ft.

What Is The Plot Area In The Building Plan?

The area which is surrounded by a boundary line (fencing) is called as Plot Area. In simple words, the total area which belongs to you in a city or town is termed as a Plot area.

What Is The Difference Between Plot Area And Floor Area?

The plot area is the total area in between the fencing and a setback area is an area that is to be left on all sides of a building from the property line, in which the construction is prohibited by law. The total floor area includes the floor area of all the floors of the building.

What Is The Land Area Plot Area?

The area of a piece of land can be calculated in any unit. The length and breadth of the land is measured at first and the results are multiplied. The product of the length and breadth of the land is the area of the land.


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