What Is NCP Days In PF?

Are you curious to know what is ncp days in pf? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about ncp days in pf in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is ncp days in pf?

In the context of Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) in India, NCP (Non-Contribution Period) days play a significant role. EPF is a retirement benefit scheme for employees, and understanding the concept of NCP days is crucial for both employers and employees. In this blog post, we will delve into what NCP days in PF are, their importance, and how they impact your EPF account.

What Is NCP Days In PF?

NCP days, or Non-Contribution Period days, refer to the periods during which an employee’s EPF contributions are not being made. These periods can occur for various reasons, and they have specific implications for an individual’s EPF account.

Reasons For NCP Days:

  1. Employment Gaps: NCP days often occur during employment gaps when an individual is not working or receiving a regular salary. This can happen due to unemployment, sabbaticals, or leaves without pay.
  2. Change of Job: When an employee switches jobs, there might be a gap between leaving the previous job and joining the new one. During this transition period, NCP days accumulate.
  3. Suspension or Termination: In some cases, employees may face suspension or termination from their jobs, leading to NCP days.
  4. Resignation: If an employee resigns from their job without immediately taking up new employment, it results in NCP days.
  5. Retirement: NCP days also occur when an individual retires from active employment and enters retirement.

Impact Of NCP Days On Epf Account:

  1. Interest Calculation: During NCP days, no contributions are made to the EPF account. As a result, the account balance remains static, and no interest is credited during this period.
  2. Accumulation of Service Years: NCP days are not considered as part of an employee’s service years when calculating the total years of service for EPF benefits. This can affect the final EPF corpus at retirement.
  3. Withdrawal and Transfer: Employees can withdraw their EPF balance or transfer it to a new employer during NCP days, but they should be aware of tax implications and the potential loss of interest.
  4. Nomination and Pension: During NCP days, individuals should review their EPF nominations and, if applicable, explore options for a pension scheme offered by the EPFO (Employees’ Provident Fund Organization).


Understanding NCP days in PF is vital for employees and employers alike, as they directly impact the EPF account and the retirement benefits that an employee is entitled to receive. While NCP days are a part of the employment journey, individuals can take steps to minimize their impact, such as ensuring timely contributions, exploring voluntary contributions (VPF), and staying informed about EPF rules and regulations. Ultimately, a well-managed EPF account can provide financial security and peace of mind during retirement, making it essential to navigate NCP days effectively within the EPF framework.


How Is NCP Days Calculated By PF?

NCP stands for Non-Contributory Period Days and denotes the number of days for which an employee has been absent in the office/work place for a particular month and no calculation for PF will be done for those days.

What Is Total NCP Days In Epfo?

NCP days is also known as NON CONTRIBUTION PERIOD. For NCP days, PF contribution will not be paid to Employee PF Account. In a month, considering 4 sundays and assuming there are no general holidays for that month, you are supposed to work for 26 days for a company.

Can NCP Days Be In Decimal?

10 NCP Days Number No decimals allowed. In case the wages declared is 0, due to reason that the member did not earn wages, the NCP should be equal to the number of days of the month. Half day NCP is not permitted.

What Is NCP In Eps Calculation?

NCP is the number of days for which the member did not get wages and also the number of days for which the member’s EPS contribution was not paid by the employer. NCP-1 is up to 31-08-2014 and NCP 2 is after 31-08-2014. EPFO says that members can add multiple service period if he has worked in different established.

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What Is NCP Days In PF

What is NCP days?