What Is Motion Study?

Are you curious to know what is motion study? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about motion study in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is motion study?

Efficiency and productivity are key goals in any work environment. To achieve these objectives, organizations often employ various methods and techniques to analyze and optimize work processes. One such method is motion study, a systematic approach to analyzing and improving the physical movements and motions involved in performing tasks. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of motion study, its benefits, and its application in enhancing efficiency and productivity.

What Is Motion Study?

Motion study is a scientific approach that aims to eliminate unnecessary movements, reduce fatigue, and streamline work processes to maximize efficiency. It involves the systematic observation, analysis, and improvement of the motions and actions performed by workers during their tasks.

The primary objective of motion study is to identify and eliminate wasteful or inefficient movements, often referred to as “motion waste” or “time and motion waste.” By eliminating or minimizing these wasteful motions, organizations can improve productivity, reduce worker fatigue, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

Key Principles Of Motion Study

  1. Therbligs: The fundamental building blocks of motion study are called therbligs, which are basic elemental motions involved in performing a task. These therbligs, classified by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth in their pioneering work on motion study, include actions such as reach, grasp, transport, position, release, and more. Identifying and analyzing these therbligs helps in understanding and optimizing work processes.
  2. Motion Economy: Motion economy is a principle that focuses on designing work processes to achieve the most efficient and effective motions. It aims to reduce unnecessary or excessive movements, combining tasks where possible, and arranging the workspace in a way that minimizes effort and time required to perform tasks.
  3. Standardization: Motion study emphasizes the importance of standardizing work methods and procedures. Standardization helps establish consistent and efficient work practices, reducing variability and promoting predictability in task completion.

Benefits And Applications Of Motion Study

  1. Increased Efficiency: By identifying and eliminating unnecessary movements, motion study improves the overall efficiency of work processes. Workers can complete tasks in less time, with reduced effort and fatigue.
  2. Enhanced Productivity: Streamlining work processes through motion study leads to increased productivity. By optimizing the sequence and arrangement of tasks, organizations can achieve higher output within the same timeframe.
  3. Reduced Fatigue and Injury Risk: Motion study helps identify and eliminate movements that contribute to worker fatigue and the risk of musculoskeletal injuries. By designing tasks that minimize strain and physical stress, organizations can create a safer and healthier work environment.
  4. Training and Skill Development: Motion study provides a structured framework for training workers in performing tasks efficiently. By teaching employees optimal work methods and techniques, organizations can enhance skill development and improve overall performance.
  5. Process Improvement and Cost Reduction: Motion study enables organizations to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement in work processes. By eliminating waste and optimizing workflow, organizations can reduce costs, improve resource allocation, and increase profitability.

Implementing Motion Study

Implementing motion study involves the following steps:

  1. Observation: Observe and record the motions involved in performing a task, capturing all the relevant details.
  2. Analysis: Analyze the recorded data to identify wasteful motions, redundancies, and opportunities for improvement.
  3. Design: Redesign the work process, incorporating motion economy principles to eliminate or minimize wasteful motions.
  4. Implementation: Implement the optimized work process, ensuring that all workers are trained in the new methods and procedures.
  5. Evaluation: Continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented changes, making further adjustments if necessary.


Motion study is a valuable tool for organizations seeking to enhance efficiency, productivity, and worker well-being. By systematically analyzing and improving work processes, organizations can eliminate wasteful motions, reduce fatigue, and optimize task completion. Implementing motion study principles leads to improved operational efficiency, reduced costs, and increased overall productivity. By investing time and effort into motion study, organizations can create a work environment that promotes efficiency, productivity, and worker satisfaction.


What Is The Motion Study?

Motion study refers to the study of movements like lifting, putting objects, sitting and changing positions, etc., which are undertaken while doing a typical job. Unnecessary movements are sought to be eliminated so that it takes less time to complete the job efficiently.

What Is The Need Of Motion Study?

The motion study method aims to improve a procedure’s effectiveness by minimizing the number of moves required to finish it.

What Is Motion Study In Work Place?

Motion study involves determining the best method of conducting work for humans or machines and eliminating waste. It involves scrutinizing the various motions made by employees or machinery and limiting waste by limiting motion. The end goal of motion study is to increase efficiency and effectiveness.

What Is An Example Of Motion Study?

Example: While observing an average worker, if it is observed that worker has to bend frequently to pick up the tools from the tool box placed under his table, then a stool can be placed near his seat to keep the tool box over it so that worker does not waste his energy in bending again and again.


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