What Is Holding Number?

Are you curious to know what is holding number? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about holding number in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is holding number?

In the realm of administrative and bureaucratic processes, certain terms and concepts may appear perplexing to the uninitiated. One such term is the “Holding Number.” Whether you’ve encountered it in government documentation, property records, or legal contexts, it’s essential to grasp the significance of holding numbers. In this blog, we will explore what a holding number is, its applications, and why it plays a vital role in various administrative procedures.

What Is Holding Number?

A holding number, often referred to as a parcel number, lot number, or plot number, is a unique identifier assigned to a piece of land or property. It serves as a distinctive reference code to help identify and track specific land parcels. Holding numbers are used in various countries and regions worldwide, and they are especially crucial in land management, taxation, and legal documentation.

Applications Of Holding Numbers

  1. Land Registration: Holding numbers are integral to land registration systems. They enable government authorities to maintain a comprehensive record of land parcels within a specific jurisdiction. This record includes details about land ownership, boundaries, and property characteristics.
  2. Property Taxation: Holding numbers are closely linked to property taxation. Local governments use them to assess and collect property taxes from landowners. The holding number helps ensure that taxes are appropriately levied on each land parcel.
  3. Land Development and Zoning: In urban planning and zoning regulations, holding numbers are used to categorize and designate land parcels for various purposes, such as residential, commercial, or agricultural use.
  4. Land Transactions: When buying, selling, or transferring property, the holding number plays a crucial role in identifying the land parcel and updating ownership records.
  5. Legal Documentation: In legal proceedings related to property disputes, land ownership, or land use issues, holding numbers are often referenced to establish the identity of the disputed land parcel.
  6. Land Surveying: Surveyors use holding numbers to locate and verify property boundaries. This information is essential for creating accurate land surveys and maps.

Why Holding Numbers Are Important?

  1. Ownership Verification: Holding numbers are a reliable means of confirming land ownership. They provide clarity about the boundaries of a land parcel, preventing disputes and confusion.
  2. Taxation and Revenue Collection: Holding numbers facilitate the fair assessment and collection of property taxes, ensuring that landowners contribute their share to local government revenue.
  3. Land Use Planning: Urban planners and local authorities rely on holding numbers to make informed decisions about land use and development. This helps maintain organized and sustainable growth in communities.
  4. Legal Clarity: In legal matters related to land, holding numbers are essential for providing clear and unambiguous references to specific parcels. This is vital in resolving disputes and ensuring legal compliance.


Holding numbers, while seemingly technical and administrative, play a fundamental role in land management, taxation, and legal documentation. They provide a structured and organized way to identify and track land parcels, allowing for proper ownership records, taxation, and land use planning. Understanding holding numbers is essential for landowners, government authorities, surveyors, and anyone involved in land-related transactions, as they are a key component of accountability and transparency in the world of land administration.


What Is The Meaning Of Holding Number?

This unique ID, also known as a ‘holding number’, is used for the identification of the property registered in the official domain. The term ‘holding’ comes from the holding tax paid by the owner(s) of a property. This number helps retrieve all information regarding property transactions and tax payments.

Is Holding Number Same As House Number?

Every property that falls under the regulatory authority of the government is given a special identifying number. The same organisation that issues this particular ID also uses it to identify real estate that has been listed in the authorised domain. It’s referred to as a holding number.

How Can I Get Holding Number In Guwahati?

You can visit www.gmcpropertytax.com or call the helpline number 9395696993 | 9395353630 | 9395679996 | 9395197472 | 9365049846 to generate your GMC Holding Number/Self-Assessment ID. You can also visit the nearest CSC/Seva Kendra to avail the online service.

How Can I Pay My Municipal Tax Online In Odisha?

The citizens of Odisha can make online payment of holding/property tax through the e-Municipality Odisha online portal. Step 3: Choose your District and the respective ULB from the given dropdown. Step 4: Click on “Login”. Enter the login credentials to access the e-Municipality application.

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