Shockwave Therapy For Treating Chronic Low Back Pain

To be classified as chronic, back pain must persist for 12 weeks or more after the original injury or underlying cause of acute low back pain has been addressed. 

Twenty percent of those who have acute low back pain will, within a year, have developed chronic low back pain with persistent symptoms.

Chronic low back pain may be treated effectively in some people, while in others, the pain continues despite medication or surgical intervention. Ultrasound may be used to help direct the delivery of shock waves during a process known as shock wave treatment.

The purpose of this research is to evaluate the efficacy of radial shock wave therapy (RSWT) and focused shock wave therapy (FSWT) in the treatment of low back pain and to compare the two to sham treatments.

Because of their distinct depths of tissue penetration, these two forms of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy were selected. Patients with low back pain are increasingly being treated with both approaches, but no credible studies have compared their relative efficacy.

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What exactly is shock wave treatment, and how does it help with back pain?

Shock wave therapy is an acoustic wave treatment for subacute and chronic injuries that involve the transmission of high-peak pressure waves to stimulate and speed up the body’s own natural healing process. Multiple biological reactions may be prompted by this technique.

  • Release trigger points and remodel fibrotic tissue
  • Reduce persistent inflammation.
  • Raise levels of nitric oxide (NO)
  • Increase the production of human growth factors and stem cells (new cell growth)
  • Raise the level of blood flow and microcirculation
  • Stimulate neovascularization and tissue remodeling.
  • has an analgesic effect by modulating pain fibers.

Types of Shockwave therapy

Following are the two types of shockwave therapy.

  • Focused Shock Wave Therapy
  • Acoustic radial pressure wave therapy

In essence, both forms of shock waves have the same function, which is to set off the body’s own innate healing mechanisms. This has the potential to facilitate quicker, more efficient recovery.

What makes them different, though?

The passage of acoustic radial pressure waves through the human body follows a radial path. With the right amount of pressure and the right kind of applicator tip, they can penetrate to a depth of around 5–6 centimeters.

As one descends into the earth, the energy level drops. For this reason, radial pressure waves are optimal for use in superficial regions. Different myofascial disorders may be treated specifically or systemically with the use of the transmitter’s interchangeable tips.

The functional direction of muscle (kinetic) chains is linear. Through layer-specific stimulation, radial pressure wave treatment may loosen adhesions and relax trigger points.

Myofascial release, an essential precursor to fascial therapy, is also triggered by the reorganization of tissue layers. However, the therapeutic effect of focussed shock waves may penetrate to a depth of up to 12.5 cm.

As a result, they are often used to treat more profound problems and regions, such as neuropathic pain in the back, greater trochanter pain syndrome, insertional hamstring tendinopathy, and piriformis syndrome.

Because the energy is directed just where it is required, focused technology enables precision therapy (of trigger points or tendon insertion, for example).

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The mechanism of shockwave treatment.

This is referred to as its “mechanism of action” in certain contexts. Acoustic energy is transmitted through the skin and directed to the wounded area using a specialized device in shockwave treatment.

Shockwaves come from a mechanical source, not an electrical one. These sound waves may be heard and have a low enough energy to be audible that they promote blood flow to the wounded location.

To alleviate chronic tendon pain, shockwave treatment functions in two primary ways. Shockwave therapy begins by temporarily numbing nerve endings, which may significantly lessen pain.

The second and frequently more crucial benefit is that the shockwaves induce regulated micro-trauma (microscopic injury) to the tissues, which prompts the body to react by boosting the local blood supply and metabolic rate.

The body’s natural healing process will be stimulated and quickened as a result. Disorganized tissue and calcifications may also be “broken down” by the shockwaves.

Advantages of Shockwave Therapy

  • No Risky Surgery or Complications
  • Facilitates Rapid Recovery at a Low Cost
  • Very Effective
  • Drug-Free Treatment
  • In most cases, you can get by with just a few visits.


Shock wave therapy, also known as extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), is used to treat diseases affecting the ligaments and tendons. This method is often utilized for the management of pain and the treatment of muscle spasms because the gentle energy employed in it stimulates the body’s own natural healing process by speeding up procollagen production. 

Edmonton shockwave treatment has helped a lot of individuals. In recent years, Turning Point Physiotherapy in Edmonton AB has increased the use of shockwave treatment, which is an effective way of treating chronic low back pain.