Getting Someone Into An Alcohol Rehab in Fort Collins

Is one of your family members or friends struggling with alcohol addiction? Watching a person cope with addiction can be emotionally and mentally exhausting for everyone involved. 

Unfortunately, not many addicts understand the severity and consequences of alcohol abuse, which is why they refuse any form of assistance. Nevertheless, you should still try to encourage your loved one to start the path to recovery. 

The following tips might help you in the process. 

Recognize the signs of addiction

The primary step for getting someone into alcohol rehab in Fort Collins is to recognize the signs of addiction. There are numerous warning signs of alcohol abuse, such as noticing a change in someone’s behavior, which might turn into reckless or dangerous behavior at times. Addiction can lead to problems at work, home, or school. 

The immediate impact that alcohol use has on the body involves slurred speech, memory impairment, risk-taking, impaired judgment, inability to walk normally, blackout, slow reaction times, etc. The nutritional habits of individuals with such a problem are affected as well. These people start neglecting their nutritional health and demonstrate malnutrition signs, including hair loss, dark circles under the eyes, and a gaunt appearance. 

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Moreover, the same symptoms might be identical to those of thiamine deficiency. Both the brain and body tissues require thiamine, otherwise known as B1, to function normally. Regarding the psychological effects of alcohol, over time, a person is likely to develop sleep problems, anxiety, depression, asterixis, etc. 

In case a loved one exhibits any of these warning signs, it’s time to consider getting this person into rehab. There are numerous alcohol rehab Fort Collins centers that help people to stop drinking and live healthier lives. The earlier you recognize the signs of addiction, the better. 

Find out whether the person is open to the rehab idea

Prior to taking any further action, you should find out if the person is open to the idea of rehab. If he/she responds to the idea positively, it’s time for you to plan and research the available treatment options. Nevertheless, you should be prepared for the possibility that this person will become hostile when you bring up the idea. 

Most addicts refuse to accept their problem at first. It’s paramount for the person to be sober when having the conversation, as he/she might end up forgetting it. The other alternative is to hire an interventionist, referring to a trained specialist who can help friends and family force their loved ones to commit to a recovery plan. These professionals aren’t emotionally involved in the satiation, thus being able to provide a smooth transition. 

Consider different treatment options

The following step to take is researching possible treatment options. The first point to consider is choosing between an inpatient and outpatient program. After making this choice, the next consideration should be the length of the program, as not all patients are willing or capable of committing to a longer-term program of more than 30 days. 

While researching treatment options, the location of the treatment center is important as well. You should determine whether the patient will be provided with better service locally or from a further location. The treatment approach is worth analyzing as well. Some patients would be better off with a faith-based approach, while others would benefit more from a trauma-focused approach. Click here for everything you need to know about alcohol detox and rehab programs.

Last but not least, the financing aspect is inevitable in the process of consideration. You should find out how the patient is expected to pay for the treatment services. He/ She might use his/her insurance to cover part of the cost. 

Take care of logistics

Taking care of all the logistical details is a must before getting someone into alcohol rehab in Fort Collins. The sleeping arrangement and travel details must be arranged beforehand. The same goes for the required treatment financing. By creating a solid plan on time, you will avoid situations in which the patient might invent excuses for not committing to the treatment. 

Have an intervention plan

Having a discussion with a loved one about his/her alcohol addiction can be an overwhelming and distressing experience. The person must be approached with care and caution. Words and actions can have a tremendous influence on addicts, which is why you should choose them wisely. During the conversation, there are moments when you need to be sympathetic and moments when you have to be firm. 

In addition, the best method for confronting a person struggling with alcohol addiction is by planning an intervention. The plan for intervention should involve selecting a rehab center prior to the intervention. Consequently, the patient can be admitted to the facility right after the intervention when the impact is still strong. The following link,, provides useful advice for staging an intervention for an alcoholic.

Be supportive and understanding

During the rehab process, patients need to be showered with love and support, as well as understanding. Therefore, it’s your responsibility to make sure your loved one feels supported all the time. A positive attitude is essential for patients to take the recovery process seriously. When looking for a treatment facility, you should find one with empathetic staff.

Keep in mind that the commitment to rehab usually feels like a punishment for the person coping with alcohol addiction. Only emotional support and regular communication from the friends and family members of the patient can make a huge difference in the journey to recovery. 

Consider aftercare

The ultimate step when getting someone into an alcohol rehab is to consult a professional about aftercare. While rehab is the best method for starting the recovery journey, the real struggle begins once the patient is discharged from the facility. Make sure to choose a program combined with family support for your loved one to maintain his/her sobriety. 

Final thoughts

Guiding your loved one towards recovery can be a challenging journey. 

It’s, however, worth taking.

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